Our Mission
What guides our giving
The giving strategy of the Lintilhac Foundation is guided by personal identification: We fund work that we believe in, in areas where we have expertise, knowledge or strong interest.
Much of what we care about relates to nature — restoring ecosystems, protecting water quality, promoting renewable energy, conserving wetlands and wildlands, supporting regenerative organic agriculture and soil health, and encouraging active, sustainable outdoor recreation.
To know what’s going on, you have to show up. We learn by actively investigating — through personal contacts with leaders of organizations, by attending presentations, lectures and public and legislative meetings, through serving on nonprofit boards and advisory groups, and by visiting grantees and the sites of projects.
“Every age and generation must be as free to act for itself, in all cases, as the ages and generations which preceded it.”
– Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, Part One, 1791
As stewardship of the foundation transitions to a new generation, we trust “every age and generation” to make effective and responsible decisions, to help meet tomorrow’s social and environmental challenges.